Welcome to FREENEPAL.COM, first Online Nepali Literary Journal !
We are updating site from today (December 5, 2015 00:00 ) with new script.

We are updating site from today (December 5, 2015 00:00 ) with new script.
( Coming soon ....)
Dr. Madhu Madhurya
Chief Editor, freenepal.com
- We will add some articles related to trends of Nepali literature
- We will add interview of personalities who contributed for the preservation and development of Nepali language, literature, art and culture.
(Facebook LIVE Global Interaction Program "समय र सिर्जना" )
Nepali New Year (in Nepali) : Krishna Prakash Shrestha
(नेपाली नयाँ वर्ष : कृष्णप्रकाश श्रेष्ठ)
Inner antagonism" (in Nepali) : Dr. Binod Mani Baral
( प्रतिद्धन्द : डा.बिनोद मणि बराल )
Kathmandu Declaration (Poem in English) : Gopal Parajuli
Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.
- William Shakespeare
अरबलाई अरब किन भनियो ? हिन्दूहरु संग अरवको के सम्बद्ध छ ?
किन भनियो अरब ? कसरी नाउ रह्यो अरब ? यसको जिज्ञासा नभएको मान्छे सायदै कोहि होला ! वास्ता नगर्नेलाई पनि सुनेपछि वास्ता गर्न मन लाग्छ !
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